Coloring book pdf download Classroom Administration: Stoplight Behavior Management System - Coloring Book

Classroom Administration: Stoplight Behavior Management System

This expression is called "Classroom Management: Stoplight Behavior Management System" and was generously made available by Laura Candler

The clear, one-sided printout suggests an intelligent system for student behavior management. In short, it is offered to use a modified traffic light with four colors: green, yellow, orange and red. Numbered bags surround the traffic light. Each student has a number and each person's pocket contains a strip of colored paper.
Everyone starts every day with the "green for go" ad. If a class rule is violated, a yellow slip is put in the pocket. This is the first warning. If another behavior problem occurs on that day, the color changes to orange, the second warning. In addition, the student must complete a time-out record that explains their inappropriate behavior and plans to correct the problem. These timeout forms are sent home to parents for signature and return. The color red is reserved for very serious discipline problems. Such behavior leads to a call home or a trip to the office. At the end of each day, everyone returns to green. The traffic light system is most effective when used to reward students who behave appropriately ...

Download the printout now to get more ideas on how to use this simple and smart system so you can focus more on teaching and less on dealing with discipline issues!



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