Coloring book pdf download How to draw a snowy house - Coloring Book

How to draw a snowy house

 This house looks three-dimensional. It consists of geometric shapes familiar to you. The main thing you need to pay attention to is how these figures are located in relation to each other. Drawing such a house, you will feel like an architect!

Step 1

We draw the outlines of the house. First the facade: the roof is a triangle, and under it is a rectangular wall. Pay attention that the house is slightly "tilted" to one side, its left side is slightly higher than the right one. Also note that the bottom edge of the roof is slightly wider than the wall.

Step 2

From the top of the roof and from its lower right corner, draw segments of the same length to the right and slightly upward and connect them. The line that connects them should be parallel to the right side of the roof triangle. Likewise (parallel to the roof lines), draw a line from the bottom right corner of the house, and then draw a vertical line to complete this wall.

So we drew the house in perspective to make it look three-dimensional. In other words, we have drawn the house as it would appear to our eyes if we were looking at it, standing to the right and in front of it (angular perspective).

Step 3

Draw two windows on the front and a door on the side wall. We draw the windows as ordinary rectangles, and the door - a rectangle in perspective: it seems to be slightly raised. All lines of windows and doors should be parallel to the lines of the walls.

Step 4

Draw a chimney on the roof. To do this, draw two vertical lines in the middle of the right roof slope: the left one is shorter, the right one is longer. At the bottom, connect them with an arc, and at the top with a segment. Draw three more short segments upward from it, and a triangle above them. This is a cap that protects the pipe from rain, snow and all kinds of debris.

Step 5

Draw a dormer on the facade of the roof: first draw an arch, then connect its ends at the bottom with a horizontal line. And then with one more line, we split the window from top to bottom in half.

Step 6

The frame of the house is ready. Now we will depict its texture, that is, the material from which it is built. Our house is wooden. Therefore, along the walls we will draw lines representing logs, and on the corners - cuts of logs. In front, the slices will be in the form of circles, but at the back wall they are visible from the side, so we draw not circles for these slices, but ovals.
Insert the frames into the windows.

Step 7

Draw spirals inside the cuts of the logs - this is almost what the annual rings of trees look like. In the attic of the house, draw narrow lines - the boards from which it is made.

Step 8

Now decorate the house with a layer of snow. It lies on the roof, on the chimney, above the door and window frames. And, of course, it forms drifts around the hut.

Step 9

Here is such a beautiful house. Color it according to our sample at the beginning of this page or come up with your own version.

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