Coloring book pdf download 6-12 Years Child Nutrition How Should It Be? Easy Prepared, Healthy 6-12 Years Old Nutrition List Example - Coloring Book

6-12 Years Child Nutrition How Should It Be? Easy Prepared, Healthy 6-12 Years Old Nutrition List Example

In order to prevent the problems of obesity and healthy growth of our children in school period, we should prepare a healthy nutrition list for them. So, how should children in the 6-12 age group be fed and what should they stay away from? What should be in the lunchbox?

kids nutrition
6-12 Years Old Nutrition List Example

“What should be in our children's lunchbox?”, “What are the healthy alternatives to put in their lunchbox?” questions continue to be explored by many parents. For children, after the age of 6, it is the school period when they start their education and training life. During this period, parents should pay great attention to the nutrition of their children. Otherwise, irregular and unhealthy nutrition starting at this age may result in obesity in children.

In the nutrition list of children aged 6-12; Protein, fat and carbohydrate ratio should be balanced and snacks that they may like should be put in their lunch boxes. In the continuation of our article, we have compiled an example of a 6-12 age diet list for you. Here are the questions about the nutrition of children aged 6-12:


6-12 years old Children's diet list is between 1400-1600 calories in total. This is a sample list for this age group.

Here are 2 sample lists that are extremely healthy for children aged 6,7,8,9,10,11,12 and that children will also love:



  • 1 egg alternative 1 matchbox cheese (68 calories)
  • 2 small slices of bread (120 calories)
  • 1 glass of milk (120 calories)
  • 1 tablespoon of molasses, honey, jam (40 calories)
  • 1 tomato or orange (48 calories)


  • Meat and vegetable dish (150-200 calories)
  • Half a bowl of yogurt alternative 1 glass of buttermilk (75 calories)
  • Seasonal fruit 1-2 pieces (60-100 calories)
  • 2 slices of bread (140 calories)


  • Half a serving of meat and vegetables (80 calories)
  • Half a portion of rice-pasta-burritos (300 calories)
  • Half a bowl of yogurt alternative 1 glass of buttermilk or 1 glass of milk (75 calories)
  • 1 slice of bread (70 calories)

2. LIST:


  • In this diet, you should start the day by drinking 1 glass of warm water as soon as you wake up in the morning.
  • At breakfast; 1 or 2 slices of bread
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon of honey or jam (15 minutes after breakfast)
  • 1 glass of milk


  • 1-2 slices of bread
  • 2/3 portion of meat meal
  • 1 portion of brioche
  • 1 portion of salad


  • 2 servings of seasonal fruit


  • Legumes, close to half a serving
  • 1 serving of rice or pasta
  • 1 bowl of yogurt
  • 1 portion of salad


  • 1 glass of milk


What should be in my child's lunchbox? His question is among the topics that many mothers are curious about. If there is a weight problem in children between the ages of 6-12, weight loss should be ensured under the control of a dietitian. Here are the foods that should be in your child's lunchbox:

  • 2 slices of bread or cheese sandwich
  • Tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots
  • Seasonal fruits such as apples, pears, tangerines, oranges
“Our child's nutrition should be healthy, adequate, enjoyable, satisfying, not stressing, giving happiness, comforting, not gaining weight, and meeting many of our expectations. That's why you should decide together what will be in the lunch box and direct him to healthy foods. Go shopping with your child, prepare the lunch box together, have him help you with the preparation of the table while you are eating at home, and benefit from your child's opinions while trying to create a balanced menu at the table that suits your family dining pleasure.

Water: Give priority to water in the lunch box, make sure your child is drinking water.
Cheese sandwich: You can spice it up with a variety of cheeses and a variety of interesting breads.

Fresh fruit: Fruits such as apples, pears, red plums, and bananas are easy to carry, easy to eat, and have high nutritional value. However, wash these fruits well, cut them and put them whole without breaking them.

Calcium group: Yoghurt and ayran also have the same function as milk, but they are difficult to take to school but may not be very practical as they are at risk of spoilage.

Dried fruits, nuts: Hazelnut, almond and walnut oily nuts group; Foods containing carbohydrates in the group of roasted chickpeas and popcorn bread; raisins, dried apricots and prunes are foods containing sugar, vitamins and fiber in the fruit group.

Chocolate: You can put chocolate 1-2 days a week. Get a small size of low-fat, fresh milk chocolates and put a small can of UHT milk next to it.

Mum Cake: You can prepare snacks such as cakes, cookies mixed with whole grain flour, added nuts, dried fruit loving little cakes and cookies.


If your child loves to eat junk food, do not restrict or allow him to eat junk food once a week. Here is the list of junk food that kids should stay away from:

  • Chips
  • Chocolate
  • Soda
  • Coke
  • Cake
  • Chips

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