Coloring book pdf download FENG SHUI TECHNIQUE IN CHILDREN AND YOUTH ROOMS - Coloring Book



Have you ever wondered why some children can sleep and work comfortably in their rooms, while others wake up all the time and prefer to work in other parts of the house other than their room… Actually, the answer is simple: In addition to physical reasons, the lack of harmony and harmony with the energy of the room, blockage of energy, restlessness and concentration disorder can occur. the presence of negative energies may be one or more of the reasons…

In fact, in a Classical Feng Shui practice, we first start with an energy map of the house. Then, considering the astrological chart of the child using that room, according to the date of birth, we determine the elements he needs. But other than that, I am sharing here some basic tips that we can all do in our own children's rooms…

If you are moving home for the first time, choose your child's room as a bright room, just like your own room, that receives natural light but is far from the living room and kitchen areas of the house that are used extensively during the day. Since sunlight is an excellent source of energy and life, every morning, open both the curtains and the windows and let the energy come in… In the evening, Salt lamps not only provide beautiful lighting with their soft lights, but also create a natural protection by increasing the quality of the air in the room. .

Start by tidying their rooms first. Let's see if there are junk toys - objects that have been piled up on the shelves, left to be played for a while, and that you are tired of constantly dusting. Sometimes, one feels that the objects that have been in the same place for a long time but are useless are always the property of that place. Remove or replace with another favorite object. Oh the shelves have relaxed a bit. There are no more objects that tire your eyes…

Let's not forget that we are in communication with all kinds of living and non-living beings around us… That's why children should always have items that they love and feel good when they look at them. Let's remove the objects that you think might frighten them and affect their imagination negatively from their rooms... Let's replace them with family photos, nature pictures, natural crystals and stones... For example; The crystals you hang on the window of a room with beautiful sunlight will both cause light reflections and create a fairy-tale atmosphere in the room that children will love…

Chi”, which we call Life Energy, should flow and roam comfortably inside the house and the rooms… Using the back of the doors and under the beds as a warehouse with shrunken, unplayed or unworn items prevents the flow of energy. Congestion in space also causes mental blockages. That's why you should immediately make a list and go to other people in need with toys that are not suitable for their age, unworn, smaller but clean clothes should go to the closets of children with other needs or books to the libraries that will be newly established. isn't it?

Let's avoid filling the rooms of younger children with too much stuff. They, too, need spaces where their energy can flow freely by exercising their imaginations. Our children's bedrooms can generally accommodate many activities. They both play games during the day, study after school, and use it for sleep in the evening. First of all, it is useful to create at least concrete corners to separate these functions from each other in spaces that have several functions together. The study corner, play corner and bed area should be arranged well so that the functions do not interfere with each other and create energy confusion, on the contrary, support personal development.

The orientation of the desk is important in Feng Shui practices. While choosing the table direction, we deduce the positive aspects of the child based on the date of birth, and we want him to turn to these directions in order to receive the support of his life energy. Apart from that, when you position the table, make sure that it is not directly opposite the door, try to position it so that you can see the door so that it does not feel uneasiness… Who wants a parent approaching silently from behind? If there is such a situation, a small mirror will also work ☺ Remove toys and clutter from the table so that he can only concentrate on his work and homework does not take hours… You can also increase his concentration with natural stones that you will love on the table.

After that, of course, comes the choice of bed orientation for a peaceful sleep. In order for our child to lie down according to the most suitable compass direction for him, the bed direction can be calculated according to the date of birth. If possible, you should place the bed at the farthest point from the door, but in such a way that you can see the door. If the head of the bed is a solid wall, it should be your choice…

If you have several children and they have to share the room, give them both the opportunity to customize their part. However, do not prefer bunk beds as much as possible because it will save space. The underlying person always feels pressure…. Even if it is very difficult, encourage them to sleep by changing places from time to time… You can also paint the ceiling of the upper bed in light colors…

Rooms arranged with Feng Shui contribute to the healthy growth of our children, to develop positive personal characteristics, and to be in harmony with their families and surroundings.

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