Coloring book pdf download Is holistic nutrition (holistic nutrition) Also Applied for Children? - Coloring Book

Is holistic nutrition (holistic nutrition) Also Applied for Children?

 Is holistic nutrition (holistic nutrition) also applied to children? I plan to take a look at the answers to your question. As a wellness trainer and holistic nutrition (holistic nutrition) consultant, this is one of the questions I have been frequently asked recently. So, is holistic nutrition (holistic nutrition) also applied for children? Let's take a look at the answers to the question and see what can be done.

Is Holistic Nutrition

Is holistic nutrition (holistic nutrition) also applied to children? I would like to start with a question. Children are generally fond of foods such as candy and chocolate that should not be eaten only by adults, but also by themselves. Well, would you imagine any child consciously rejecting a lollipop or a large piece of chocolate you handed him? Yes, I will!

Apart from those who do not like this type of food, there are also children who may exhibit such an unusual behavior. Especially at school age. Do you know why? The answer is, does holistic nutrition (holistic nutrition) apply to children as well? hidden in the answer to the question.

One of the biggest responsibilities of parents towards their children is to give them the right and healthy habits in every field and of course to set an example in this regard. Therefore, if he is the child of a family that makes healthy eating a habit and a lifestyle, it is normal for him to learn how to eat right at a young age.

Is holistic nutrition (holistic nutrition) also applied to children? I can safely answer “yes” to the question. The point here is to educate children to choose healthy options in a gentle and natural way without getting angry, being harsh, or putting them under pressure. If they are well aware of this, a child may choose, for example, an apple or a cucumber instead of a lollipop or chips. The important thing, as I said before, is to educate children on this subject at a young age.

Is holistic nutrition (holistic nutrition) also applied to children? While looking at the topic, I would like to remind you that young children are like “sponges” in the truest sense of the word. So whatever you give, they absorb it. Children, our most valuable assets, deserve the “best” from the beginning of their lives. This includes, of course, good and healthy eating habits.

If you prepare healthy meals and balanced meals, introduce and educate them about nutritious foods, children will adopt healthy eating as a natural habit from a young age. Or you can tell your child the benefits of drinking water in a fun way instead of sugary and food coloring drinks.

One of the ways to do all this is to go into the kitchen with your child from time to time and prepare healthy and, of course, fun foods that they will enjoy.

Is holistic nutrition (holistic nutrition) also applied to children? I should also say that clean eating is not the only healthy habit you will teach children. As you know, holistic nutrition (holistic nutrition) deals with people both physically and spiritually. Never forget that you need to keep the mental health of your children as well as their physical health. For this, in addition to nutrition, the child's physical activity, communication with the environment, and sleep patterns are among the ways to be healthy in a holistic sense.

Is holistic nutrition (holistic nutrition) also applied to children? While answering the question, I would like to draw attention to the following issue. What I want to tell you is, of course, that you follow a strict diet program with your children, not depriving them of certain foods at the cost of hurting or upsetting them! The thing to do is to set an example for them so that they can live the rest of their lives in a healthier, better quality and happier way and to raise awareness at a young age.


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